Monday, June 28, 2010


Well I know it's been a long time from my 17th birthday. November 21, 2010. LOL! I don't know what to do. I'm getting bored here. So that I wanna show you my birthday greetings from my friends on my phone :p

From: +6285694548***
Eh dut met ultah ya... Maafin ya ak skrg emg gni. Ak g bsa kya dlu lg... Ni mungkin yg bsa ak ksh yg terbaik. Kado nya nyusul. tgl sebut hehe. Smoga pnjng umur sehat slalu murah rejeki dan cpet pnya pcr yg lbh baik dr yg dlu ya

Happy birthday kesayanganku! Wish you all the best! Muaaaah! Dethya

From: 90 Sisca
Hpy bday ya mumuth :)
mga dpt yg trbaik :)
pjg umr . . Sht sll..

From: 90 ELFA

Happy Birthday to MY SUPER BESTIES, Mutiara Bilha. I really hope you always HAPPY and be better than before :D Sorry I cant give you the precious things but I can gove you something which makes you smile everyday and its about our FRIENDSHIP :D once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU baby :D (sorry my english is so bad lol)

From: 90 Meri
Mamaaat si gadis nakal selamat ulang tahun ya! Wish you all the best! Semoga ga jd orang yg suka ngelitikin lg. Wkwkw. Hali senin tlaktil!

From: FML Nyu
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUBU ! all the best wishes for you . have a great day dear c: mmuaaaaach !

Muth sayang happy birthday ya, wish you all the best, semoga tambah cantik, pinter, dewasa, lulus un, dll yg baik2. Still be my bestfriend taaa :)

Mumut sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang happy birthday ya, wish you all the best ;) mudah2an persahabatan kita sampe tua amin amin hehe. Love you, Upil

From: 90 Iwas
happy birthday . I can't give u anything that valuable but I just can pray to u. hopefully you get all that u want in this life. wish u all the best. amien. iwas

From: SARA

mumuuut happy birthday ya sayang, wishing you all the best muah :*
xoxo, sara aisyah

From: +285714620***
Happy bday muth wish u all the best...ziqy

From: MM Wiko
Asslm. Selamat ultah ya, semoga panjang umur, sehat slalu n sukses dlm meraih cita2..., makasih ya kue nya.

From: 90 Anast
Mumut.. Happy birthday.. Wish you all the best..

From: 6 Uwi
KAK M-U-M-U-T HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! wish u get the best and easy in everything also wish u can more mature and get the best PTN like u want :') and may Allah bless u amin. thousand of love, Uwi

From: SOF Erwin

From: ESIA Babeh
Tayurr..Happy b'day ya..Ultah kbrapa? Moga2 ap yg km mau tercapai y.. Traktir aku! :)

From: ICHA
A bday is not bout how many years you got older, how big party you have, or how many presents you got. Its about how many times you'll get wisher, how bigger heart you'll have, and how many love you'll spread. Happy bday :) all the best wishes

From: UI Bob
Happy b'day semoga smua harapannya tercapai..

From: 90 Azuma
Happy birthday mumut... ;) semoga tambah pinter, rajun, dll serta smoga smua cita"ny tcapai. Amin. Ntong~

From: 90 ELFA
Happy birthday for the last time MUAH :* 17th years old yakaaaaaaaaaan. Udah tua deh kayak gue wkwkwk. Maaf ya td cm bs ngasih itu

From: VIKY
happy birthday ya sayaaang :D wish all the best to you love you :)

And many more.....

thank you guys <3

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