Friday, September 17, 2010

If you look at me and see the devil,
you are just looking at a reflection of yourself.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Boys? Not for serious thing as long as they asshole.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Welcome to my friend. Hayden O'Connor just called him Sean! As you see we met on omegle. A great way of meeting new friends. New-strangers-friends :p He's 19 years old guy from Canada.

I told him about something. My problem. Just share each other. When it was his turn, he told me that he had a problem about romance. I just can't believe it. Girls tend not to ever seem interested in him at all. I don't think so. He's good-looking person. Very very nice and super friendly. Well maybe this isn't the right time for him. Trust me someday you'll get a good one. Cheers :D
S: What makes a guy attractive to you?
M: I dunno maybe you know what
S: I'd say it's how nice you are for one thing, you're gentle sense of humor, as well as how smart and honest you are when you are talking. Being very, very, pretty helps you too!
M: Ahhhh thanks. You make me blushing
S: You're welcome but it's all very true! Hey you're even cuter when you blush

It was nice to met you, Sean!


I do love the rain. But it's all depends of situation and condition. And I hate it now. My mood changes easily when it rains. I'm going to down then down. I can't go anywhere. It makes everything wet, dirty, and slippery. SUCKS
Rainy rainy go away. Come again another day!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who says only eyes can see everything?
My heart did it well.